Preschool Program
As an introduction to gymnastics, AGC offers a range of special motor skills classes with a clear emphasis on the joy of movement. The preschool program is designed to encourage whole body exercise, including development in strength, flexibility, and coordination. Classes are structured, but not rigid so that children can channel their physical energy while learning to socialize with other students in a safe and fun environment.
AGC’s preschool gymnastics classes feature weekly themes to stimulate imaginative play and exercise. Our staff, skilled in both gymnastics and child development, begins each class with an opening activity designed to facilitate participation and creative movement. Following the opening activity, our instructors lead the class into “circle time” for some focused gymnastics instruction.
Here our gymnasts learn the gymnastics positions, follow the instructor’s specific directions, and stretch their muscles through a series of theme-related games. Once their muscles are warm, the instructors assist their classes through a series of obstacle courses. Each obstacle course provides a variety of motor skills exercises and gymnastics skills for the class to work through and master. Our preschool classes end with a fun and challenging closing activity, like parachute, rhythmic ribbons or trampoline.
Class Descriptions
Parent Participation Class: 18 mos – 3 years.
(Currently not offering Parent Participation classes)
This introductory level class is designed for the very young gymnast who still requires a parent or guardian to accompany him or her out on the floor. We have divided this class up into two age groups to facilitate different attention spans. These classes follow the themes and obstacle courses of our other preschool classes, but children are assisted at each station by his or her parent.
Target Skills:
- Climbing Ladders
- Crawling through Tunnels
- Jumping with 2 feet together
- Bear Walks (hands and feet crawling)
- Galloping
- Walking across low balance beam (sideways)
- Jumping off of an elevated surface (1-2 feet high)
- Forward Roll down an incline mat
- Hang/swing on bar and jump to feet
- Swing on rings
- Donkey Kick on mat (mini-handstand)
- Jumping on trampoline
- Jump to seat drop on trampoline

Tiny Tots Class: 2 1/2 – 3 1/2 years.
(Currently not offering Tiny Tots Classes)
For many of our gymnasts, this is their first class experience without a parent. To make this transition as smooth as possible, our student teacher ratio is 6:1 for this class. Our primary objectives for this group are following the teacher’s instructions, taking turns, and playing well with others within the gymnastics setting. This class develops the skills featured in the parent participation classes, in addition to introducing more challenging ones.
Target Skills:
- Galloping sideways
- Frog Jumps (jumps from squat position)
- Jumping feet apart and together (straddle)
- Balancing on one foot
- Forward Roll on floor
- Standing Straddle Roll down incline
- Cartwheel with hands and feet on mat
- Donkey Kick on floor (mini-handstand)
- Handstand against wall
- Walk across low balance beam (forward)
- Front support on single bar and parallel bars
- Bell Swing on bar (hands and feet on bar)
- Jump on and off of springboard
Tots Class: 3 1/2 – 4 1/2 years.
(Open for Registration!)
At this level gymnasts are able to follow directions more easily and are able to learn more advanced motor skills and gymnastics skills. Each gymnast should be working towards mastering the skills in the lower levels as well as developing the strength and coordination for the following skills.
At this level gymnasts are able to follow directions more easily and are able to learn more advanced motor skills and gymnastics skills. Each gymnast should be working towards mastering the skills in the lower levels as well as developing the strength and coordination for the following skills.
Target Skills:
- Hopping on one foot
- Tuck Jump
- Crab Walks
- Seated Straddle Roll down Incline
- Standing Straddle Roll on Floor
- Cartwheel starting from “Star” Position over a mat
- Jump to Front Support on Low Bar
- Forward Roll over Low Bar
- Straddle Bell Swing
- Walking forward on elevated Balance Beam
- Run, jump and safety landing off springboard
- 3 bounces to straddle-on position on block from springboard
- Seat Drop to standing position on trampoline
Tumblers Class: 4 1/2 – 5 1/2 years.
(Open for Registration!)
At this age, gymnasts are able to concentrate for longer periods of time so we extend the class from 50 minutes to one hour in length. As a transition into our after school program, this class includes focused activities on the individual gymnastics events. For example, after working on an obstacle course a Tumblers class might line up on the floor for a tumbling rotation to learn their rolls, handstands and cartwheels.
Target Skills:
- Skipping
- Straddle Jump
- Bridge Position
- Seated Straddle Roll
- Backward Roll down an Incline
- Cartwheel from “Star” Position on the floor
- Lunge Handstand on a panel mat
- Through the Window on a bar or the rings
- L-Hold on the Parallel Bars
- Monkey Walks sideways across a bar
- Pull-over on a bar against wall
- Backwards walks on low balance beam
- Forward walks on high balance beam
- Seat Drop, Doggie Drop on Trampoline
- Tuck-On to Block from Springboard